Marigold Medallion Hunt

Marigold Medallion Hunt

First Clue Released on August 26, 2024

“A Community Obsession”. Every year at the end of August, Pekin’s amateur detectives and determined sleuths prepare for the Pekin Marigold Festival Medallion Hunt. They put their interpretive skills against the Medallion Hunt Clue Meister who has carefully hidden the small disc somewhere on public property, releasing “clues” on a daily basis. The clues carry double-meaning, veiled references, and carefully disguised hints all designed to bring out the “DaVinci Code” enthusiast in us all.​

The hunt always commences the Monday before Labor Day. Clues are released Monday through Friday at 12:00 noon and then on Saturday at 6:30am. If the medallion hasn’t been found, another clue will be released at 6:30 on Labor Day. If still not discovered, clues will continue being released daily at noon beginning on Tuesday.